20-Minute Cardio Workout For People Who Hate Running

By: Chris Freytag, CPT // August 12, 2022

Yes, running is a popular and effective cardio workout, but there’s good news for people looking for a fun cardio workout that doesn’t involve running! This 20-minute cardio that isn’t a running routine will get your heart pumping and help you burn calories without requiring you to hit the treadmill.

You don’t need any equipment for this home workout, meaning you can do it anytime you need a good cardio session on the fly. It’s fast, simple, and will leave you feeling awesome!

No running cardio is a great alternative for people who requires low-impact workouts due to age, injury, or joint pain. 

So, whether it’s painful for you to run or you simply don’t enjoy running, this 20-minute no-running cardio workout is made for you! Ready to get sweating?


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    20 Minute No Running Cardio Workout

    Watch the video below to watch the no running cardio moves demonstrated, and check out the full-length descriptions below if these exercises are new to you!

    Do each exercise below for 1 minute and go as hard as possible.

    After all ten moves, catch your breath and repeat the entire sequence two more times.

    After a total of 3 rounds, you’ll be sweating, and burning calories and your heart rate will be up. All the same results as a typical cardio workout but without the running. 

    Watch the video below to watch the moves demonstrated, or check out the full-length descriptions below if these exercises are new to you!

    [adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”tWizOhtz” upload-date=”2021-10-22T22:02:51.000Z” name=”20-Minute No-Running Cardio Workout” description=”This 20-minute cardio routine will get your heart pumping and help you burn calories without requiring you to lace up those running shoes. It’s fast, simple, and will leave you feeling awesome!” player-type=”static”]

    1. Jogging In Place

    Warm up for your cardio workouts by jogging in place.

    A) Start standing with feet hip distance apart.

    B) Lift one foot and then the other to jog in place, working your legs and increasing your heart rate.

    2. Jump Rope

    Jumping rope is a fantastic cardio move.

    A) Start with feet hip-distance apart and arms stretched to the sides like you’re holding a jump rope with your hands.

    B) Circle your hands like you’re swinging a jump rope and hop over it to jump rope in place.

    3. Skiers

    Practice this bodyweight move to get your heart rate up and burn calories.

    A) Stand with feet together and knees bent, holding bent elbows next to your side.

    B) Keep feet together and jump turn, so hips and toes point right.

    C) Now jump feet together and turn, so hips and toes point left.

    D) Continue to switch jumping right and left, keeping legs tightly together and arms and waist turning as if you are holding ski poles.

    4. Front Kicks

    Try front kicks in your next cardio sequence.

    A) Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms bent and held in front of you.

    B) Lift right leg up, bend the knee slightly, and kick right foot forward. Keep your ankle flexed and push through your heel.

    C) Place the right foot down and switch to the left.

    D) Continue to repeat for the desired amount of time or number of repetitions.

    Related: 5 Non-Running Cardio Workouts For Bad Knees

    5. Surfer Squats

    Surfer squats are a fun variation on traditional squats.

    A) Start in a squat position with body facing the side of the room but eyes looking forward.

    B) Jump a full 180 degrees and land in a squat so that body is now facing the other side of the room. Keep your eyes forward.

    C) Continue to make 180-degree jump-turns with eyes looking forward and body staying in a squat position.

    6. Mountain Climbers

    Mountain climbers are one of the best bodyweight moves you can do.

    A) Start in a plank position with arms and legs long.

    B) Draw in your abdominals and drive one knee into the chest, then switch legs quickly.  Continue with the right, left, right, and left knees “running” to the chest. Prevent bouncing up and down in your body by keeping your abs tight.

    7. Jumping Jacks

    This classic move can help you burn tons of calories.

    A) Start standing with a slight knee bend and hands resting on thighs.

    B) Keeping the knees bent, open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulders, then close, returning to your start.

    8. Power Skips

    Power skips can help you burn calories and get your heart pumping.

    A) Start standing with feet hip distance apart.

    B) Lift your right knee and spring up off your left foot, hopping into the air. Switch. Continue in a “skipping” motion in place for the desired amount of time.

    9. High Knees

    Try this exercise in your next cardio workout.

    A) Start standing with feet hip distance apart.

    B) Lift up the right knee as high as it will go and raise the opposite arm, then switch quickly so the left knee is up before the right foot lands. Continue pulling knees up quickly for as long as desired.

    10. Butt Kicks

    End this 20-minute cardio workout with butt kicks.

    A) Start standing tall and bring one heel off the floor towards your glutes as the opposite hand comes up towards your shoulder like running arms, then switch to the other side.

    B) This exercise works your hamstrings, so you should feel this in the glutes and the back of the legs as you pull the heel in.

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